Why should I apologize for the monster I have become? No one ever apologized for making me this way.

[Created by Majesty 2021]

》Moniker《 Shivshakti Philomena Waldrom》Pronounciation《 (shiv-shock-tea) (fill-o-mean-uh) (wall-drum)》Alias《 N/a》Maturity《 3.8 yrs》Gender《 Feminine》Sexuality《 Demisexual》Pronouns《 She/Her》Species《 Dog (Plush Danois - Anatolian Shepherd x Great Dane)》Affiliations《 The Serpent's Ring》Rank《 Python》Voice Claim《 Vivian Lu (As Sae-Byeok in the Squid Games English dub)》Scent《 Coal and blood》Main Theme《 My Own Monster by X Ambassadors》Playlist《 Aching Soul

It's sad when someone you know becomes someone you knew.

》Height《 39 in/ 99.06 cm》Weight《 155 lbs/ 70 kg》Body Type《 Toned, athletic》Body Condition《 Good》Hygiene《 Good》Scars《 N/a》Deformities《 N/a》Apparel《 Brown spiked collar, brown-furred cloak, leather bag, dagger》Assets《 Combat. Strength. Endurance. Tracking. Hunting.》Flaws《 Stamina. Strategy. Stealth. Swimming. Medicine.

A perfect combination of both parents breeds, Great Dane and Anatolian Shepherd, Shivshakti is equally tall as she is muscular. Shiv's body type can be described as powerful but still skinny, true to a Dane. Her shoulders are broad along with her bodice, capable of withstanding impacts and dealing strong blows. The female's legs are noticeably long and toned, and offer some aid when running despite her size. Shivshakti's head is narrow with a broad muzzle, with a slight taper to her nose. She has large hanging jowls, reminiscent of a Great Dane's that can cause some drooling. To both parent breeds, Shiv's paws are quite big and wide, tipped with black nails.Shivshakti also has a thick coat, but it's not dense enough to be insulating during colder weather, leading her to wear a cloak whenever needed. Her fur does however disguise her many scars from fighting. Naturally, her ears would be large and floppy had they not been torn and needed to be cropped. She also had been born with a curled tail that had medium length fur, but being just something else that an opponent could hold onto, it had been docked fairly early on in her lifetime. Her eyes are a brilliant light green, a trait from her Shepherd father, much like the white blotches that decorate her primarily brown hued coat. And lastly, around Shivshakti's neck is a leather spiked collar, worn at all times to protect her throat.

I've decided to make myself strong. As far as I can tell, that's all I can do.

》+《 Resourceful. Clever. Captivating. Daring. Logical.》=《 Immoral. Individualistic. Deceptive. Placid. Watchful.》-《 Violent. Merciless. Antisocial. Misguided. Cynical.

Being forced to grow up in the environment Shivshakti had, has left a strong impact that is mostly bad rather than good. One positive trait the female has is her resourcefulness, a keen sense of how to overcome difficulties whatever the situation may be. Shivshakti can temporarily remain calm and composed and offer logical advice and plans, but temporarily being the key word there. She's capable of thinking realistically and won't make rushed decisions or actions on a whim. Shivshakti is also very aware of her own strengths and weaknesses, and things she simply cannot do. Despite not being much of a talker, Shiv still has that swift cleverness that has saved her hide many times on numerous occasions.And whether intentionally or unintentionally, the Plush Danios is capable of gaining attention of others and sometimes even small groups for a variety of reasons. On her own accord, it leans into her natural dominance, and strong desire to lead, although she'd be the worst canine to follow. Quite simply, she'd rather be the leader and outright challenges any type of higher authority due to her past. In her mind, the vast majority of individuals she's seen and met aren't worthy of such high positions within society nor the respect that comes with it. Unsurprisingly, Shivshakti shows absolutely no fear when it comes to just about everything. She'll do what she pleases, and if anyone has a problem she can and will request that they can brawl it out with her.When considering Shiv and her behavior, it's no wonder that she doesn't believe in abiding by a personal "good" code. Things to the Dane mix aren't as black and white as many would believe. And what she may consider doing a hero's deed can be taken as a barbaric course of action, certainly inhumane and cruel at worst. Needless to say, Shivshakti doesn't believe that everyone can just be considered a good guy all the time, they're all monsters within, just like her. The Plush Danois also doesn't believe in being able to rely on others. Due to how she feels she's been betrayed in the past, she's the only reliable individual she's got. Meaning that Shiv always puts herself and her needs over others without any sense of remorse. Paired with a sense of untruthfulness, she's not the most pleasant dog to be around.She prefers not to mention any aspect of her past and trauma, or reveal how she truly feels in most circumstances. Putting up an emotionless front is always her go-to under the impression that nobody could actually grow to care about or even love a canine such as herself. Undeniably, Shivshakti treats everyone with strong suspicions and with a presumed role of enemy. Nobody is to be trusted, even something as minor as knowing her true thoughts could be detrimental in her eyes. Visibly, it can be very hard to tell what the female's emotions are, as well as audibly because of her monotone voice. The only true indicator would be her body language just moments before an explosive outburst, it doesn't give much time for preparation however.Another unsurprising outcome of being forced to watch canines fight to the death and doomed to do the same growing up, Shiv is incredibly violent. She doesn't bat an eye towards gory battles and gaping wounds left afterwards, and when she fights she aims to cause as much damage and pain as possible. The Plush Danois wants everyone to feel her pain and suffering, and will take matters into her own paws to get things done "properly". Her lack of mercy is very apparent, as very few faces managed to actually get through to the monstrous hound and live to see another day. In most instances, Shivshakti's rage knows no bounds when it comes to animals of all species, ages, and genders. If anyone dare to get caught in the middle of it, they'll face fatal consequences.Fully aware of this though, the female opts to remain by herself to avoid more brutal deaths of her own doing. Only interacting with other individuals when absolutely necessary and for a very brief amount of time. Shiv honestly doesn't want to be this way, constantly beating herself up over how much of a monster she is, and how quite literally she's a shell of her former self. She knows Izzabillah wouldn't be proud of what her daughter has become, but being born into such a violent life meant that she doesn't know anything else. The only taste of happiness the Dane mix had was with Koralia and her mother but now that they're both gone in a sense, Shiv believes she has nothing. To be inside Shivshakti's mind would make many see how broken and scared she really is, alone in a world of heartless monsters that couldn't care less about what she felt. And for now, that's how it'll stay.

It takes a monster to destroy a monster.

》Mother《 Izzabillah》Father《 Arrow》Littermates《 N/a》Partner《 N/a》Young《 N/a

TW: Gore. Death. Overall Violence. Brief SA Attempt Mention.

Shivshakti was born to Izzabillah, a young Great Dane that had rather raunchy habits and a desire for independence. After a fight with her parents, the Dane had left the pack on a whim, believing that she didn't need them or anyone in her life. She could do everything herself, it wasn't that hard. And luckily for her, the first few weeks were quite easy. Izzabillah found enough prey to keep her body condition stable and suitable shelter, but she did end up losing weight as time went on. The decline in her luck became so drastic that the Dane even exchanged favors from males in order to get by. One of these favors happened to be from a Anatolian Shepherd who, much like the others, left without a trace after it was done. It was fine with the Dane, until a week afterwards she started feeling the signs of pregnancy. Izzabillah knew she would need more help, but all her efforts in locating the male proved futile. Weeks went by, and eventually Izza was unable to hunt and grew tired of even walking. It was one faithful day that the female in her weakened state would be captured by a wolf pack and taken as prisoner, dragged harshly out of her den and carried off.It would soon be known that the plans for Izzabillah were for her to be thrown into a fighting ring full of other dogs. She was expected to fight to the death, until her captors realized that she was pregnant. And good at first, Izza was allowed to have her litter and raise them before ultimately facing her demise in the ring. It was a twisted sense of mercy, as the Dane's pups lives' would be in the hands of the brutal pack. And surely nothing good could come from that. When the time came for the Great Dane to deliver her litter, she bore only a single pup that she named Shivshakti. It was a name that meant power, which is what Izza had hoped for her daughter to be, powerful. And it had seemed that the wolves forgot the reason the Great Dane was even living among their ranks, as Izzabillah was allowed to socialize with the other wolves and imprisoned canines until Shivshakti was 3 months old. But the reasoning behind it wasn't that the wicked canines forgot, more so they wanted the pup to understand what was happening around her. The reason why wasn't exactly clear, but whatever impact they intended to have on the small child worked.Involuntarily, Shivshakti was torn away from her mothers paws and made to watch as Izzabillah was tossed into the ring with a large dark furred American Bandogge. Nothing made sense to Shiv at first, why would she watch her mom meet up with a stranger? And the crowd encircling the pair didn't quite add up either, that was until the stranger lunged at Izzabillah. Immediately the young female began to yap and screech, trying to let her mom know that the mastiff wasn't friendly and to run away, things she had been so carefully taught. Then to her dismay, Izza lunged back to collide with the dog head on in a storm of claws and teeth. Something Shivshakti had never seen her do before, and it only continued. But the Great Dane managed to hold her own, keeping the other at bay with agile movements. The child cheered, but her yaps and tail wags of joy would soon cease at the sight of another dog joining the ring. It was a Beauceron, and it charged straight for Izzabillah with its teeth bared. Then painfully, Shivshakti watched as the two dogs tore at her mother. The agonized howls and cries of the Dane hurt her to her core, prompting her to howl out in response. "STOP! STOP! STOP!" At that moment, she wanted nothing more than to run to her mother and get the bullies to stop but any attempts at running into the ring weren't successful in the slightest.Each time she rushed forward she was dragged then held back, all while screaming at the top of her lungs. "MOMMY!" The sight of Izzabillah soon grew too much to bare, as she was reduced to nothing more than a bloody, silent, heap of flesh. Shivshakti called to her many times, only to have no response other than the cheers of the canines around her. How could they cheer? How could this be something to celebrate? Still merely a child, the pup couldn't express much more than her wails and cries, calling for Izzabillah to get up and to come to her, only to be harshly silenced time and time again. Finally after a few moments, Shivshakti was carried away and taken to the pack's nursery to find someone else to care for her, now that Izzabillah was dead. Nothing could soothe the pup however, nothing but the sleep she eventually fell into. The next day she was assigned a elder female wolf as a caretaker, named Lula. The old woman was sweet, to her at least. But Shiv didn't want anyone besides Izzabillah, and days would pass before she was told to stop asking. Everywhere she was taken and to everyone she saw; "Can I see Mommy?" Lula would ask politely, but a tempermental male would snarl at the child to shut her mouth. And no one to protect her, Shivshakti listened and stopped asking, but unintentionally it would make her cease to speak altogether.4 Months had passed since Izzabillah's death, marking Shivshakti as 7 months old now and as hateful towards the wolves as ever. Something she hated more than living among them while they still had those barbaric canine fights was how well she got to knew them. Not caring to learn of actual ranks however, Shiv knew that the boss was a male called Aristaeus. And his lackeys were this other male called Vitale and this female named Silja. Silja happened to be the wolf that held Shivshakti and forced her to watch her mother's death, unsurprisingly the one she despised the most. It was at Aristaeus's command that the Dane mix was to be taught alongside the other youngsters of the pack. Which gave the young female the chance to get into each fight possible with the other kids, as intended by the leaders as part of their cruel plan. But in turn, everyone was challenged by Shiv. She fought anyone willing, despite how badly she lost the fights picked with the older wolves of the pack. Nobody was seen as a friend besides Lula, the only wolf to show the female kindness. This would continue until a month had passed and another dog puppy had been kidnapped by the wolf pack. And it'd only be known to Shiv after the pair were placed in the same isolated den, used to put troublemakers in a "timeout".The puppy introduced herself as Koralia, and was the same age as herself. Shivshakti would've been more welcoming to her, had she not reeked of a mixture of dog and wolf. Kora's mere existence taught the Dane mix that in some world, the vicious monsters that kept her here became mates with dogs. That they weren't just forms of bloody entertainment, but potential creators for their young. It just didn't sit right with her, making it no surprise that her rage was taken out on Koralia. The pair would duel it out, with Shivshakti as the ultimate winner. But the longer she spent in that cave with Kora, the more they grew to understand each other. The wolfdog was an outcast among her former pack, and practically forgotten about due to her not conforming to their rather high standards. Overnight, Shiv finally felt like she had an ally. Someone who truly understood her pain and anger, and shared it. From that point on, the two were inseparable. They sparred the other trainees as a team, and backtalked their superiors with equal amounts of disrespect. Soon reaching a year old, Shivshakti and Koralia would face their first hurdle. Now being of an age to fight, they were tossed into the ring and expected to tear each other apart. All the wolves of the pack gathered around a sandy clearing in a circle formation, and goaded the pair on. "Fight! Fight! Fight!"Shivshakti stood growling, but it wasn't towards her companion, much rather the canines in a general direction. Koralia stood still as well, but instead of growling she was fearful. Words were spat at the pair, telling them to fight or that they'd die, but still they remained. It was eventually decided that if they didn't want to fight each other, they'd just fight a much larger dog. And larger they got, as a male Akbash strutted into the clearing, boasting of the countless victories under his belt. The wolfdog rushed to stand side by side with the Dane mix as the male charged them. Shivshakti was the one to meet him head on, mimicking the actions she had seen her mother do all those months before. The only issue with that was, Izzabillah was closer in size to her opponent while Shiv was still a child. Meaning that her being overpowered was inevitable, and in no time the skilled adult had her pinned to the ground and was snapping at her neck. Koralia, in a sheer panic dove on top of the Akbash and managed to get a firm grip on his scruff, to which she tugged with all of her might to free her friend. The Dane mix rolled off from underneath the male and lunged again, this time fighting to save Koralia who had been thrown off by now and was being thrashed around by one of her hind legs.The sight and howls Kora emitted struck a cord for Shiv, making her attacks all the more ferocious. For a moment, it felt as of she was fighting to save Izzabillah, charging the male and biting directly into his shoulder. He dropped the wolfdog, and although limping and in visible pain, Koralia bit down into the Akbash's foreleg. The combined thrashing made the white canine lose his balance, where Shivshakti could take a powerful bite into his neck. He let out strained gasps as she thrashed her head around one last time, and the other female held in him place, killing him. Around them the crowd erupted into cheers and howls, giving Shiv a sense of how it felt to be in control. Meanwhile Kora was shaken and standing dumbfounded in silence. She didn't like having to kill someone, and Shivshakti was basking in it. They both received rewards for their victory, including necessary medical care. In private, the wolfdog would express her concerns, to which Shiv responded to in a rather disturbing manner."We're doing the world a favor by ridding it of these monsters. Don't you want them to feel what we feel?""No! I don't want to kill animals, I-I just want to go home . . .""Where they mistreated you?""I don't care Shivshakti! I don't want to stay here long enough to become one of them.""We aren't becoming one of these sorry excuses for animals! We're just protecting the world from them, and there's no other way than to fight."The pair had eventually come to an agreement, to fight and escape as soon as they could find an opening and for months, that's what they did. Both females became a favorite among the vicious wolves, as they hadn't lost a battle yet and Shivshakti's tactics were more so on the brutal side. Over time, her reasoning for fighting began to shift, as she'd rather make everyone she faced suffer the same fate as her mother and feel her pain. Until it began to grow into a desire to kill the wolves that kept her and her companion contained within the wretched confines of their camp. They were the ones that caused this, so why should they face no punishment? Upon hearing the Plush Danois' plans to challenge a wolf, Koralia strongly advised against it for the simple fact that they held more power. And she and Shiv were still mere prisoners in the eyes of the pack, but all the warnings in the world couldn't stop Shivshakti from finding an opening. Silja had been doing a routine count of the dogs when Shiv snuck out of her den to pounce on her. Using her heavy body to push the other into the ground, now much larger jaws would snap around the Beta's neck until seizing flesh.Agonized howls echoed around the surrounding area, as well as pleas for help and to be let go. But the Plush Danois wasn't budging, even when the wolf tore herself away from her grasp and was up fighting back now. Silja managed to bite one of Shiv's ears and tore half of it away from her head, then again with her second ear. Blood gushed from the open wounds, but the dog wasn't fazed at all nor did she seem to care. Just like how Silja didn't care and forced her to watch that awful fight. Both females snapped and tore away whatever skin they bit into, but one move would leave them latched onto each other's jaws and in a vicious struggle. They twisted and turned, blood flowing furiously from the both of them combined. Shivshakti felt Silja's teeth grinding into her snout and nose, painfully with each turn. But letting go would mean that Izzabillah would never be avenged. It was now or never. She had to pay. She has to suffer the way I did. In a awful crack, the Dane mix tugged as hard as she could against the wolf's lower jaw until it gave away and fell to the ground in a bloody heap. Silja collapsed to the ground as well, convulsing and making awful gurgling noises until finally going still. Meanwhile her cold gaze watched on with pure malice before picking up the limp corpse again to continue thrashing in a harsh display.As expected, Shivshakti was apprehended and sealed inside a damp cave while the pack decided what to do to her and Koralia was forced to stay inside her den. Execution was the first expected outcome of murdering a Beta, but a day later the Dane mix was dragged out and tossed into the ring, yet again to fight. Her opponent this time was a burly Anatolian Shepherd, and the sight of him through her off. His eyes were a brilliant bright green, and a broken piebald trailed from his face down to his spine. It felt off to the female, as she wasn't attracted to him but she just couldn't keep her eyes off of him. Visibly, his confusion matched her own and only one word would be needed for her heart to shatter. "Izzabillah?" Shivshakti looked like her mother, close enough for anyone to get them mixed up and just enough for her to breakdown. Shivshakti's legs gave out from underneath her, followed by loud cries and a piercing scream. "I-I just want my m-mom . . . They took her away from me! IZZABILLAH IS DEAD BECAUSE OF THESE BASTARDS!" Everything seemed to dawn on the stranger, as he quickly rushed to the Dane mix's side. It was when he introduced himself as Arrow, and her father. But it couldn't be forgotten how they were in the center of a crowd and had to kill each other, and after a volley of laughter they began to chant. "Fight!"Arrow allowed Shivshakti in her distraught and still bawling state to kill him with a quick crushing bite to the throat, but not before telling her his last and middle name and giving her one of her own. You are Shivshakti Philomena Waldrom, my strong daughter that I hope can leave this hellhole and life a full life. I love you. Needless to say, whatever the higher ups had planned for Shiv had worked, because she was reduced to a crying and fearful mess that refused to move from one spot in her and Kora's den or rather their prison. Days had gone by and she refused to eat, and morbidly said aloud that she'd rather wither away than spend another day in the pack. Anything was better than living with this unbearable pain. Now a doormat, Shivshakti was given mundane tasks to do around camp and didn't argue. But in turn, Koralia was beginning to suffer. Her friend had been broken and she was all alone now, and the younger wolves used this as a means to taunt her with no intimidating tall hound to threaten them. One day in particular Shivshakti had been sent back to the den and viewed a male fleeing from Koralia, bleeding badly from a bite in his nether regions. The wolfdog informed her that it was a ill-intentioned male that got what's coming to him.

It sparked a rage within her, one that craved vengeance and a thirst for murder. But the wolfdog herself inspired the Dane mix to keep fighting, to stick to her vow to rid the world of those monsters. It had been long enough that Shivshakti was hopeless, and a burning desire along with her companion fueled her. They won't see me crumble. Quickly, Shiv was back to her old vindictive-self and ready to make everyone suffer like she so desperately craved. With the shift in attitude, the pair were tossed back into the ring and back to their ferocious fights and constant challenges of authority. But all the while they did this, both females began to get unwanted attention from males. It grew so bad that they both threw out gory threats with great detail towards them, and Shiv got into countless fights to defend herself as well as Koralia and prove she was willing to follow through with those threats. It was the time they both decided that they had to get out of there at the next possible opportunity, and took to scouting and mapping out all of their routines and patterns. It'd take two months before they saw an opening, and with the wolfdog's kind heart the pair had to take as many prisoners as possible with them.In the dead of night, Koralia and Shivshakti would slip out of their den and unlock the others, moving away any heavy objects that kept them sealed. In total, they were able to get out with a small group of dogs. Some had fallen after the wolves caught wind of their escape and tried to stop them but they were free. Finally free. The pair would live together for 4 months, working together to get by and gain as much distance as possible from the pack to avoid being taken back. Throughout their journey, they'd come across a town and situate themselves there. They could finally live a normal life, but it'd become apparent how much Shivshakti had changed in a negative way. She was always looking for fights, to display her strength and to feel powerful. These fights didn't always end in murder, but far too many times in Kora's opinion it did. And these were strangers that hadn't done anything wrong, nor were they wolves. In fact, since their escape the pair hadn't seen any wolves or even a trace. Meaning the Plush Danois was killing for sport. The wolfdog believed she could talk Shivshakti out of it, and took her on a trip to a relatively quiet forest where a important talk ensued. At first, Shiv was beginning to understand and was making progress conversation-wise but heavy paw steps approaching them made all her sense of reason practically disappear.Cropped ears perked, the Dane mix would investigate the sound with Kora following behind. And a few moments of careful creeping would pass before Shivshakti made intense eye contact with a male wolf. The sight of another one of those wretched creatures was enough to make her go feral, and charge. Despite Koralia's best attempts to hold Shiv back, the male was brutally mauled in a matter of seconds. She'd break one of his legs and quite literally, tear his throat out. After his lifeless body collapsed to the ground, a voice would call up ahead. A feminine one, followed by a youthful one. "Louis? Where did you go honey?" "Mommy where's Dad?" The sound of the male's mate and child made her heart sink. What have I done? Shivshakti couldn't move, and soon a distraught mother and child were screaming in her face, beside Koralia. She was snarled at and called a variety of names but unable to find her voice, the Dane mix just took it. She'd only leave long after the trio did with Koralia offering to help burry the child's father. Shivshakti felt ashamed and worst of all empty. It was a feeling she'd carry with her back to her now empty house, and during her everyday life. One thing she couldn't seem to stop repeating in her head is what that mother told her, with tears streaming from her eyes; "You're a monster."

OOC Trivia:

  • Shivshakti is actually based around the song "My Own Monster" by X Ambassadors.

  • One of my favorite villain ocs I've made, and an all-time favorite oc.

  • She was originally a custom dog breed, called an Imperial Romanian Hound, created by UltravioletDreamer.

  • Shiv is one half of a story, the other half belongs to Koralia, another oc I've made meant to have intertwining stories.

  • Shiv represents the darker side of dealing with traumatic experiences.

IC Trivia:

  • She's secretly scared about terrifying anyone she's grown to care about.

  • Shivshakti is a monster but still retains some of her sanity.

  • She despises flirting, and it can provoke a aggressive response, even if it wasn't towards her.

  • Shiv is very biased against wolves, and won't hesitate to lunge at one.

  • The female also holds a strong protective instinct towards other females.